Join us Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 8:00pm Pacific for the annual general meeting of Transformation Communities.
In addition to our legal requirements as a non-profit corporation in the state of Washington, this is an opportunity for us to report on our development as a hub of missional communities, and to take care of business matters, including the ratification of our Guiding Board.
All people connected with Transformation Communities are invited to attend this online meeting. Note, however, that only members of one of our recognized communities may vote in the meeting (see details below).
Here’s the connection information for the meeting:
Voting Eligibility from our Current Bylaws
3.1 Membership in this congregation is comprised of all persons, whatever the age, who declare and demonstrate commitment to Jesus Christ, and who actively participate in the congregation.
3.2 All persons shall be regarded as voting members of the congregation upon their own declaration of eligibility as described in the following:
3.2.1. Profession of faith in Jesus Christ, following his ways, and living in harmony with the teachings of Scripture.
3.2.2. Regular participation in one of the congregation’s missional communities during the preceding six months.
3.2.3. Eighteen years of age or older.
3.2.4. Registered with the Secretary prior to any business meeting.
3.3. The right of any person to voting membership may be challenged by any other member. In such a case, ineligibility shall be determined by a majority vote of the voting members present at a business meeting.
3.4 The rules and regulations governing voting membership herein stated shall apply to business meetings only, and shall not affect in any way the spiritual standing, rights, and privileges of any member.